Vickers Hardness Tester
An industrial-standard tester for accurate measurements of Vickers hardness.
If you have any questions or you'd like to discuss a product, please call us.
+44 1159 722 611Vickers Hardness Tester
The SM1016 MKIII performs the Vickers hardness test, in accordance with established specifications including: ISO 6507 / ASTM E384, E92 / JIS B 7725.
The SM1016 MKIII is provided with an LCD display which is used to display measured hardness results, to monitor the progress of the test and to display information that may be required when setting up the machine for a variety of parameters.
The serial interface on the testing machine provides the ability to print out results on a standard printer, or to communicate data to a PC.
The SM1016 MKIII is an industrial instrument and if used in accordance with the following instructions, and given reasonable care and attention, it will maintain accurate and reliable hardness scales.
Learning outcomes
- Vickers testing to ISO 6507, ASTM E92 and ASTM E384