The CE110 Servo Trainer shows d.c. servo position and speed control systems using typical industrial techniques. It has a d.c. servomotor, a d.c. generator and a flywheel mounted on a common shaft.
Analogue 0 to ±10 V control signals vary the servomotor shaft speed in either direction. An optical sensor measures the speed and shows it on a panel-mounted digital meter. The d.c. generator statically or dynamically loads the servomotor.
An electric clutch connects or disconnects the shaft to a 30:1 reduction gearbox for position control studies. A manual control allows the user to set a position control setpoint. To adjust the shaft inertia, the CE110 comes with two extra interchangeable inertia discs (flywheels).
For advanced experiments, the Servo Trainer includes extra ‘block’-type circuits that can add non-linear and fully adjustable effects of:
- Deadzone or ‘deadband’
- Anti-deadzone
- Hysteresis
- Saturation
These blocks are important in studies of servo systems because they mimic problems that happen in real applications.
Learning outcomes
- Basic tests and transducer calibration
- Response calculation and measurement
- Proportional and proportional plus integral control of servo-system speed
- Disturbance cancelling and feedforward control
- Angular position control: proportional control and velocity feedback
- Angular position control and the influence of nonlinearities
- Non-linear system characteristics