20th março 2019 | 3 Min read time

Winners of TecQuipment’s Thermofluids Competition Makes an Impact

The entries from 11 teams of students that entered the Nottingham Trent University Thermofluids Competition sponsored by TecQuipment were judged this week by a panel of senior academics from the university and TecQuipment Marketing Manager Dionne Knowles.

The teams had to design a thermofluids based experiment using one of TecQuipment’s fluid mechanics products. In many cases the students designed their own test pieces and 3D printed them in the university lab. The projects were scored on:

  • Effectiveness of presentation
  • Creativity of ideas
  • Experimental design
  • How the judges questions were answered in interview

Team ‘High Impact’ Took the Trophy

The winning team, Team 10, experimented with the Impact of a Jet apparatus from TecQuipment, designing and printing various different nozzles for investigating how the force produced varied. In recognition of their efforts, TecQuipment presented them with a trophy, which is a mini scale model of the AF1300 Wind Tunnel, and a cash prize of £150.

Competitions Around the World

TecQuipment invites other academic institutions interested in running a competition, to discuss sponsorship opportunities. Click here for more information.

Watch the video from the winning team on YouTube below, and keep an eye out for more entrant videos on YouTube during the next few weeks.
