Deflections And Stress

An entry-level digital image correlation (DIC) system to teach students how to measure and visualise surface deformations, strains and displacements in materials and shapes.

An integrated digital image correlation system for measuring full-field displacements and strains over a material’s surface in three dimensions.
DefleX-3D is ideal for material science, structural engineering and general mechanical engineering courses.

Continuous and Indeterminate Beams (Next Generation Structures)

Experiment that can be used to perform a wide variety of beam experiments, from simple cases to complex problems. Mounts on the Structures test frame and connects to the Structures automatic data acquisition unit and software (VDAS® Onboard).

Curved Bars and Davits (Next Generation Structures)

Experiment for investigations into two common curved structures and two common davit structures. Mounts on the Structures platform and connects to the Structures automatic data acquisition unit and software (VDAS® Onboard).

Frame Deflections and Reactions (Next Generation Structures)

Experiment for the study of rectangular portals subjected to vertical loads. Mounts on the Structures platform and connects to the Structures automatic data acquisition unit and software (VDAS® Onboard).

Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers (Next Generation Structures)

Experiment for the study of beam deflection under different loads and fixing conditions, and the demonstration of Young’s modulus. Mounts on the Structures platform and connects to the
Structures automatic data acquisition unit and software (VDAS® Onboard).

Bending Stress in a Beam (Next Generation Structures)

Experiment for the study of stress distribution across the section of a beam. Mounts on the Structures platform and connects to the Structures automatic data acquisition unit and software
(VDAS® Onboard).

Torsion of Circular Sections (Next Generation Structures)

Experiment for the study of torque and deflection in different materials with circular section. Mounts on the Structures platform and connects to the Structures automatic data acquisition unit and software (VDAS® Onboard).