While TecQuipment dominates the UK engineering educational equipment market particularly in the Midlands, the growth in sales accounting for 85% of the company’s revenue comes from outside the UK.
TecQuipment began exporting in the 1960s on a small limited scale, beginning with an order to the University of Notre Dame. Over the subsequent three decades, the company gradually grew its international sales through identifying growth markets and recruiting an agent network to effectively penetrate these. Over the years the Middle East and ‘Asian Tiger’ countries in particular have been very fruitful markets, and continue to thrive along with the likes of North America and Europe. In addition, the last two decades have seen further expansion by consolidating the company’s position in the mentioned markets, and by actively servicing the next phase of emerging economies.
“We’re an engineering company through and through and work hard to retain our designed and manufactured all under one roof credentials. At the same time integrating with the global education market, building solid reliable agents to represent us around the world, managed by a multilingual crack team of Regional Account Managers providing support and a direct feedback loop back to the business allows us to continue to grow and respond to the global market’s needs.” Commented Simon Woods, Managing Director of TecQuipment.

About TecQuipment
TecQuipment is the leading provider of high quality educational equipment for engineering disciplines. The products allow students and educators to perform practical experiments to illustrate engineering principles relating to aerodynamics, control engineering, process control, hydraulics and fluid mechanics, material testing and properties, structures, renewable energies, mechanics and dynamics, thermodynamics and heat transfer, along with electrical power systems.
The company was founded 60 years ago by the Head of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Nottingham and the Managing Director of a clock making company. Over this period, TecQuipment has grown in recognition of its reliable and robust products that are all designed and manufactured to the ISO9001 standard in Nottinghamshire, UK, delivered with a 5-year warranty. The products are used by students and educators across the world, in over 1500 establishments in more than 100 countries.
Contact Zoe Bown Marketing Executive TecQuipment +44 (0) 115 9722 611 zoe.bown@tecquipment.com