Open Channel Flow
Base Unit

10 x 0.3 x 0.45 Metre Flume
A 300 mm wide, 5 to 15 m long flume for student study and advanced research into a wide range of fluid flow topics. A huge range of ancillaries are available to extend learning potential and offers the opportunity for innovative experimentation.

12.5 x 0.3 x 0.45 Metre Flume
A 300 mm wide, 5 to 15 m long flume for student study and advanced research into a wide range of fluid flow topics. A huge range of ancillaries are available to extend learning potential and offers the opportunity for innovative experimentation.

15 x 0.3 x 0.45 Metre Flume
A 300 mm wide, 5 to 15 m long flume for student study and advanced research into a wide range of fluid flow topics. A huge range of ancillaries are available to extend learning potential and offers the opportunity for innovative experimentation.

5 x 0.3 x 0.45 Metre Flume
A 300 mm wide, 5 to 15 m long flume for student study and advanced research into a wide range of fluid flow topics. A huge range of ancillaries are available to extend learning potential and offers the opportunity for innovative experimentation.

7.5 x 0.3 x 0.45 Metre Flume
A 300 mm wide, 5 to 15 m long flume for student study and advanced research into a wide range of fluid flow topics. A huge range of ancillaries are available to extend learning potential and offers the opportunity for innovative experimentation.

2.5 x 0.08 x 0.25 Metre Flow & Sediment Transport Channel
An 80 mm wide, 2.5-metre long flow and sediment transport channel with a starter kit of models and instruments. It provides students with the ability to study the varying effects of sediment transport, bedform dynamics and fluid flow around weirs and other objects in an open channel.

5 x 0.08 x 0.25 Metre Flow & Sediment Transport Channel
An 80 mm wide, 5-metre long flow and sediment transport channel with a starter kit of models and instruments. It provides students with the ability to study the varying effects of sediment transport, bedform dynamics and fluid flow around weirs and other objects in an open channel.

7.5 x 0.08 x 0.25 Metre Flow & Sediment Transport Channel
An 80 mm wide, 7.5-metre long flow and sediment transport channel with a starter kit of models and instruments. It provides students with the ability to study the varying effects of sediment transport, bedform dynamics and fluid flow around weirs and other objects in an open channel.

Radial Sector Gate
A radial section gate for experiments to demonstrate the head/flow and discharge characteristics of a radial gate. For use with an FC300 Flume, not included.

Sluice Gate with Tappings

A sluice gate with ten tappings across its face. It enables students to investigate changes in pressure across the face of a sluice gate; also how the pressures vary with flow rate and depth. For use with an FC300 Flume, not included.

Crump Weir
A crump weir model used to demonstrate alternative flow measurement techniques used in rivers and waterways. For use with FC300 Flume, not included.

The spillway comes in four parts: the spillway, detachable ski jump and plain apron with removable toothed block. It is used to observe and calculate flow and energy dissipation over spillways.

Ogee Weir with Tappings

Similar to the Spillway (FC300e) but with the addition of ten pressure tappings placed over the crest and face of the weir. The tappings are connected to a suitable Manometer (FC300w) or 32-Way Pressure Display (FCA1).

Energy Dissipation
To be used with either the Spillway (FC300e) or the Ogee Weir with Tappings (FC300e2). The apparatus consists of a long apron and a selection of toothed and solid blocks that can be arranged in any combination on the apron.
For the study of the dissipation of energy

Venturi Flume
A pair of Venturi sides to fit into the channel allowing demonstrations of flow measurement techniques used in rivers and waterways.
For use with an FC300 Flume, not included.

Parshall Flume
A profiled base and sides to demonstrate how the flow in an open channel can be measured using a Parshall flume.
For use with an FC300 Flumes, not included.

Bridge Piers
A pair of sediment walls and four differently profiled bridge piers. The apparatus is used to observe the increased flow velocity and the streamline curvature between the piers. Also scouring of the stream bed.
For use with an FC300 Flume, not included.

Roughened Beds - Gravel
Two sets of three 1500 mm weighted lengths of gravel flume bed (with removable handles to aid fitting and removal). The small grade gravel being 2-5 mm and large grade 10 mm. Used to simulate flow over roughened beds.
For use with an FC300 Flume, not included.

Roughened Bed - Sand
One set of three 1500 mm weighted lengths of sand flume bed (with removable handles to aid fitting and removal). The sand grade used is 1–2 mm. Used to simulate flow over sandy beds.
For use with an FC300 Flume, not included.

Roughened Bed - Turf
One set of three 1500 mm weighted lengths of flume bed (with removable handles to aid fitting and removal). The bed is textured to resemble turf. Used to simulate flow over vegetated beds.
For use with an FC300 Flume, not included.

Siphon Spillway
A clear acrylic spillway that demonstrates the effect of a siphon spillway and the increased flow permitted when compared with an ordinary spillway of a
similar height.
For use with an FC300 Flume, not included.

Self-Regulating Siphon
A clear acrylic, self-regulating siphon that demonstrates the automatic adjustment of its discharge over a wide range while maintaining a mostly constant water level upstream. The siphon passes a mixture of air and water.
For use with an FC300 Flume, not included.

Lift and Drag
The FC300ld Lift and Drag module works with TecQuipment’s FC300 flumes range. It provides a means to measure and display the lift or drag on a set of models consisting of two different sized cylinders and a hydrofoil.

Vortex Induced Vibrations
The vortex shedding apparatus demonstrates that the drag force of water induces a suspended pendulum to shed vortices from alternate sides (a Karman vortex street).
For use with an FC300 Flume, not included.

Wave Generator and Beach
A wave generator and beach model for use with the FC300 flow channels. Allows variable control of wave frequency, as well as manual adjustment of amplitude. Demonstrates the dissipation of
waves impinging on a beach.

A pair of clear culvert models, one of circular and one of rectangular section. Enabling the observation and calculation of both open and orifice flow in a culvert.
For use with an FC300 Flume, not included.

Notched Weirs
The notch weir set works over a range of flows to allow experiments that show the relationship between flow and head and how the weirs can be used to measure flow. The apparatus includes a holder and three standard notches: one rectangular and two “V” notch. It also includes an advanced set of two notches: Cipoletti (trapezoidal) and a Sutro notch for more experiments. For use with FC300 Flume, not included.

Broad Crested Weirs
TecQuipment’s broad crested weirs consists of two model weirs sufficiently wide to prevent the jet from springing clear at the upstream corner. The models supplied are one block with rounded upstream and downstream corners, and a similar block with sharp edges. For use with FC300 Flume, not included.

Trapezoidal Flume
A clear acrylic 60° trapezoidal flume to enable the measurement of flows with the emphasis on low flow situations.
For use with an FC300 Flume, not included.

2.5 x 0.053 x 0.12 Metre Flume
A 53 mm wide, 2.5 m long flume complete with models and instruments for demonstrating flow around weirs and other objects in an open channel.

For studying discharge characteristics and flow through a cylindrical gate.

For studying discharge characteristics and flow through a radial sector gate. Similar to a sluice gate.

A Crump weir to demonstrate how the flow in an open channel can be measured using a Crump weir. An optional crump weir to extend the range of applications and experiments for the FC80 Flow & Sediment Channel Range.

Ogee weir with interchangeable flat apron, ski jump and toe block for the comparison of different methods of dissipating energy downstream of an Ogee weir.

A streamlined hump weir to demonstrate how the flow in an open channel can be measured using a streamlined hump. An optional streamlined hump to extend the range of applications and experiments for the FC80 Flow & Sediment Channel Range.

An optional Parshall Flume to extend the range of applications and experiments for the FC80 Flow & Sediment Channel Range. To be used with Venturi sides (supplied) to demonstrate
how the flow in an open channel can be measured using a Parshall flume.

For investigating flow around different shaped bridge piers. Also (if using sediment) for looking at sediment scour.

An optional roughened bed to extend the range of applications and experiments for the FC80 Flow & Sediment Channel Range and FC50 Flume.

An optional siphon spillway to extend the range of applications and experiments for the FC80 Flow & Sediment Channel Range. A siphon spillway for use with flow channels to demonstrate the flow over a siphon spillway.

An optional wave generator and beach apparatus to extend the range of applications and experiments for the FC80 Flow & Sediment Channel Range.

A culvert model for use with flow channels to provide a clear visual demonstration of the flow in circular culverts.

For observations and experiments on dividing water flow. An optional flow splitter apparatus to extend the range of applications and experiments for the FC80 Flow & Sediment Channel Range.