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Sales Partners

Please select your country or region to see the contact and company details for you local TecQuipment representative.

Country Sales Partner Contact details
Malaysia Supreme Didactic Sdn Bhd www.supreme-didactic.com
(+60) 391310900
Mexico SUTEK www.sutek.com.mx/catalogos
(55) 5255 4316
Netherlands Brink Techniek BV https://www.brinktechniek.nl/
038 - 447 57 50
Nigeria Femimat www.femimat.net
Pakistan Chishty Traders Ltd www.chishtytraders.com
(+92) 4236371724
Palestinian Territories Labtech for Advanced Solutions (+970)-2-2971253
Peru Nucleotech https://nucleotechsac.com/
(511) 422-6482
Philippines State Alliance Enterprises Inc (+63) 351 2535 / 333 3207 / 242 4512
Poland MGS Pomoce Dydaktyczne http://pomoce-dydaktyczne.eu/
(12) 353 83 00
Portugal Equiditec http://equiditec.pt/intro/home
(+44) 0115 972 2611
Russia Advanced Technologoes 111.adv-techno.ru/about/
8 (800) 250 71 06
Singapore ACRE Engineering Pte Ltd www.acre.com.sg
(+65) 64563111
