New Structural Mechanics Lab
The Structural Mechanics Lab at Birzeit University in Palestine is an expansion of the facilities dedicated to the department of Civil & Environmental Engineering. The aim of the lab is to develop students’ skills by integrating theoretical and practical aspects of structural behaviour.
Structures Experiments
TecQuipment supplied a comprehensive range of structures experiments that fit onto the standard Structures Frames. Including:
- Redundant Truss Experiment (STS17) that allows students to test the principles of redundancy and appreciate the factors in safety critical structures using determinate and indeterminate framed structures.
- Continuous and Indeterminate Beam Experiment (STS13) for understanding the impact on a loaded rigid or flexible beam by using single or multiple piers in different positions with varying loads applied by weights.

- Frame Deflections and Reactions Experiment (STS18) allows students to establish the reactions and deflection differences between two rectangular portal frames (one is uniform and the other is not). They can compare load, horizontal reactions, fixing moments, sway and shear force in both the portal frames.
- Plastic Bending of Beams Experiment (STS15) enables students to establish the relation between load and deflection for beams loaded to the plastic condition.
- Euler Buckling of a Column Experiment (STS12) focuses on testing the deflection and stability of thin struts by applying different loads and varying strut lengths. Students can specifically test the theory of Euler’s critical load.
- Torsion of Circular Sections Experiment (STS6) helps students understand elasticity allowing them to test general torsion theory, examine Shear modulus and the polar moment of inertia by experimenting with specimen lengths, torque and angular deflection.
- Bending Stress in a Beam Experiment (STS5) is for investigating stresses and strains, yet unlike the others listed above, this uses a T-beam for testing, is focused on the bending equation, and measures the bending force and the use of strain gauges.
- Unsymmetrical Bending and Shear Centre Experiment (STS7) is focused on testing structures and the deflection from loads on asymmetrical sections.

From the Engineering Science range to fit onto a standard TecQuipment Work Panel they also purchased:
- Forces Kit (ES2) to allow students to physically establish the centre of gravity of shapes and the relationship between angles and coplanar forces. They can also learn about force triangles, force polygons and Bow’s Notation (learn more about Bow on the TecQuipment blog).
Additional ancillaries that deliver the means for students to make the most of their workshop time on lab equipment included the Digital Force Display unit that can simultaneously measure and display the output of up to four force sensors for all the structures experiments. To allow further analysis, Birzeit University purchased the Automatic Data Acquisition Unit for data logging, analysis and extra virtual simulated experiments.
“We are pleased with the TecQuipment set we have in our lab. It gives students a valuable chance to revisit the theory related to the material and structural behaviour studied in their mechanics of material and structural analyses courses.” Commented Dr. Ghada Karaki Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Birzeit University, Palestine.
Since the 1980s when Birzeit University purchased fluid mechanics, material testing, aerodynamics and theory of machines products from TecQuipment that are still in use, they have continued to call upon the company for thermodynamic, fluid mechanics, structures, materials testing and theory of machines equipment.