Equipment for Teaching Basic Structural Principles

The structures range consists of teaching equipment for understanding basic structural principles focusing on beams, bridges and cantilevers for students of mechanical, civil and structural engineering. The 19 desk mounted experiment modules can be used stand alone or with TecQuipment's powerful Structures Software which provides automatic data acquisition (ADA). To complement lab learning, experiments can be performed virtually using the software only.

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Digital image correlation (DIC) system designed to enhance the student learning experience, for real-time and post-process measurement and visualisation of deformations, strains and displacements in materials and shapes. Complements the teaching equipment.

Digital image correlation (DIC) system designed to enhance the student learning experience, for real-time and post-process measurement and visualisation of deformations, strains and displacements in materials and shapes. Complements the teaching equipment.

Structures Course Books
Enhancing students’ learning and understanding of basic structural principles focusing on beams, bridges and cantilevers, these course books provide real life examples and theories and run through the experimental set-up, procedures, and analysis.

Bending Stress in a Beam (Next Generation Structures)

Experiment for the study of stress distribution across the section of a beam. Mounts on the Structures platform and connects to the Structures automatic data acquisition unit and software.