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Sales Partners

Select country/region to display contact and company details for your local TecQuipment representative.

Country Sales Partner Contact details
South Korea Young-Il Education System www.yes01.co.kr
Sri Lanka Laboratory Equipment Company (PVT) LTD https://labequco.com/
94 11 2448336 / 94 11 2320257
Taiwan Pitotech Co Ltd www.pitotech.com.tw
(+886) 47364000
Thailand Perfect Didactic Co Ltd www.perfectdidactic.co.th
(+66) 29544113
Turkey Dotek Testing and Training Devices www.dotek.com.tr
(+90) 532 452 70 11
United States Tech-Ed Systems Inc http://www.tech-edsystems.com/
(+1) 732-642-6495
Peru Powermatic https://powermatic.com.pe/
51 994 605 971
